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There are doctors on both sides of the vaccine debate.

Some doctors will tell you to get the vaccine - that it's perfectly safe.

Others will caution you not to get it.

One group is incentivized to tell you what they tell you. The other group faces cancellation.

That may tell you all you need to know about the debate.

It is a damnable shame that we have to be at this point, but nevertheless, here we are. Actual medical professionals have to risk censure and loss of license for questioning what is functionally the largest human experiment in history, built on the shaky foundation of an illness that is far more treatable than we are allowed to say.

That's why AnonymousDoctors.org is here.

News & Articles

January 10, 2022
Perspective from Edward Snowden

“The recitation of facts is increasingly viewed as political, and even offensive. That is a grim omen.” -Edward Snowden

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January 10, 2022
Triple Vaccinated Swiss Olympic Athlete Fabienne Schlumpf Diagnosed with Myocarditis – May Never be Able to Compete Again

Triple vaccinated Swiss marathon record holder and Olympic athlete Fabienne Schlumpf was diagnosed with myocarditis and may never be able to compete again.The 31-year-old Swiss runner announced on her Instagram account Thursday that she developed myocarditis. At the time being, she is not allowed to play any sports and participate in training. “BAD NEWS! Unfortunately […]

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January 9, 2022
New England Journal of Medicine Study Shows Masks Don’t Work to Prevent Covid-19

TL;DR: Basically this was an extremely high quarantined facility where are the masks have to be worn for two weeks along with all other usual rules to prevent transmission. This was with marine recruits who are quite a bit more disciplined than school children and 2% became positive with Covid in less than two weeks […]

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January 9, 2022
KIRSCH: The New Normal is 13 year olds dying from cardiac arrest…

Cardiac arrest has traditionally been a very rare event in the <30 yr old crowd – deaths from cardiac arrest in this cohort have been even rarer. But suddenly we’re seeng a spike, and even an attempt to normalize this, and it’s all happeneing in the wake of the sweeping vaccinations aimed at “slowing the […]

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January 8, 2022
ANOTHER Soccer Player Drops #TheNewNormal

There as been – for SOME UNSPECIFIED REASON – over 100 soccer players who have collapsed on the field over the last 12 months – a spike that corresponds to very few dramatic changes in the sport other than one – mandated vaccinations.

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January 2, 2022
Proof That Even 5 Masks Don’t Stop Aerosolized Particles and by Extension Covid-19
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January 1, 2022
“There’s not been a single Ivermectin study in the last 2 years. Why? Big Pharma Owns the CDC, FDA, and Fauci” – Bill Mitchell
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January 1, 2022
You have got 10 years to live, hope it was worth it.

“Doctor said I most likely have myocarditis not much I can do about it. Hopefullyit get’s better with time and he said it’s probably from the vaccine but is not allowed to put it down to the vaccine”

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January 1, 2022
FACT: There is NO Justification for Vaccine Mandates according to a study fom the CDC and State Health

This piece by Aaron Siri, originally published in his Substack “Injecting Freedom” discusses how recent findings from the CDC and the State Health Department’s own scientists shows the dangers of making our rights hinge upon submission to a medical procedure. Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates -CDC and State Health Department scientists find similar or […]

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January 1, 2022
Why this site?

This quote from @MaggsMountains on Twitter sums up the purpose of this site: There are MANY doctors who WANT to speak out but who are afraid to because they face censure or worse – doctors who have sworn and taken an oath to help people, to heal people, and to protect their life. This site […]

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December 31, 2021
Dr. Robert Malone stops by INFOWARS after JOE ROGAN to discuss everthing from TWITTER BANS to Mandates and More


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